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Percocet Overdose

For those who have been prescribed Percocet, there is a danger for a Percocet overdose if you do not make sure you are mindful that it is a drug and that as with any other drug or alcohol, there are certain habit forming specifications which can result from taking the medication. Overuse of the drug for extended periods of time might lead to a dependency by the user, which can easily get out of control and lead to a Percocet overdose if the user is not mindful of the amounts they are ingesting, and if they do not properly follow the amounts which were prescribed to them by their physician. In order to avoid a situation of Percocet overdose, users must be mindful, must properly write down the times, how much, and when they are taking the medication. Due to the ease of building a dependency on the drug, it is just as easy for users to find themselves in a situation where they cannot live without it, and are taking it for no reason at all. Therefore, the best way to ensure a Percocet overdose does not take place, is to be mindful, learn the symptoms and signs which might tend to show a dependency forming, and if you feel you (or a family member or friend you know) might be misusing or abusing the drug, speaking to your doctor is something that should be done.

Indicators of a Percocet overdose -
There are various factors, indicators, symptoms, and signs to look for, which might tend to show that a Percocet overdose has taken place. The symptoms can be mild while some are going to be more severe, and must be treated as quickly as possible, in order to avoid further damage down the road. So, considering and spotting the indicators are critical to intervening if a Percocet overdose has taken place. Some of the symptoms include: disinterest (lack of enjoyment), indifference (or lack of drive), any emotional apathy, work performance is poor or lower than usual, detachment from others (loved ones), increased tolerance to the drug, repeats of withdrawal symptoms, trembling shakes, excessive sweatiness, or nausea and vomiting. Any or all of these might be present, and in each patient who has overdosed, they are going to vary. Therefore, spotting these symptoms, reporting them to a doctor of physician right away, and finding out if a Percocet overdose has occurred is something that has to be done immediately, in order to ensure it does not get worse, and to ensure something more serious does not occur sometime down the road.

Percocet overdose symptoms -
In the event an individual has overdosed, immediate medical and emergency attention must be sought out. If any of these symptoms are noticed after a Percocet overdose, users must immediately contact emergency services: blue lips, cold and clammy skin, confusion or experiencing constipation, dark urine, dizziness and extreme weakness, low blood pressure and a lower than normal pulse, difficulty breathing or slowed down heart rate, jaundice (yellow skin or eyes), and nausea or vomiting.

In certain instances of a Percocet overdose, there are also some lesser experienced symptoms which one should be mindful of as well. These include: convulsion or seizures, diarrhea, extreme drowsiness, itching and irritated skin, swelling, sedation, muscle convulsions, and loss of consciousness have been reported in certain instances of a Percocet overdose as well. Knowing the signs, spotting these symptoms and signs, and contacting the right personnel right away, might be the only reason to save one's life in the event that it was an extreme Percocet overdose. Therefore, keeping an eye out for these conditions, knowing what the signs are, and being mindful of those who are on the medication, is something that might help avoids a Percocet overdose, or if it does occur, help save the individual's life due to the fact that immediate attention was sought.

Addiction or Accidental Percocet overdose? -
In the event a Percocet overdose does take place, if you are a family member, friend, or physician, making sure you can spot out whether it was accidental, or whether the individual has a drug problem and addiction problem, is also something to be mindful of. As with other drugs, a Percocet overdose can be due to addiction. Due to the "feel good" effect it has on the body, users might continue to ingest the drug to avoid pain, or get rid of the continual pain they are feeling. In other instances, it may have been an accidental Percocet overdose; whether it is because the individual did not keep track of the time they took a dose, or took too much by misreading the prescription label.

Either way, a Percocet overdose can be extremely dangerous, and in some cases fatal. Therefore, if you know an individual who has had issues with abuse and addiction in the past, making sure they are not overdosing on their medication, keeping an eye on them, and if you are a family member, you may even want to administer the doses to them, just to ensure the overdose is not due to addiction or need. It is never a bad thing to be too safe, or to keep an eye on individuals who are on the drug; it is better to do so than have to deal with the potential issues which come up with a Percocet overdose, or any other drug or prescription medication overdose which may occur.

It is possible for a Percocet overdose to take place. Therefore, if you are around an individual who is on the medication, if you notice any of the signs or symptoms, making sure you seek out the immediate attention needed, to ensure something more serious or drastic does not occur down the road, is the first step to help that individual. If, after treatment is sought, you find out an addiction is the issue, helping that individual find the proper care and treatment facility would be the next step to get them the guidance and help needed in order to get past their addiction.