  • King City, California Census Data
  • The total number of people in King City is 14,464. Of those, 7,653 are Male (52.91 %) and 6,811 are Female (47.09 %).

    In King City, California 26.6 is the median age.

    King City, California population is broken down (as a percentage) by age as follows:

    Under Age of 5: 9.45 %
    Ages 5 to 9: 10.05 %
    Ages 10 to 14: 9.17 %
    Ages 15 to 19: 9.62 %
    Ages 20 to 24: 8.67 %
    Ages 25 to 34: 17.33 %
    Ages 35 to 44: 13.49 %
    Ages 45 to 54: 9.90 %
    Ages 55 to 59: 3.54 %
    Ages 60 to 64: 2.08 %
    Ages 65 to 74: 3.88 %
    Ages 75 to 84: 2.13 %
    Over the age of 85: 0.69 %

    Analysis of Education/Enrollment in King City, California:
    A total of 4,447 people over the age of three are enrolled in school in King City.
    Of the total enrolled in King City:
    183 children in King City are enrolled in Nursery School.
    229 children are attending Kindergarten in King City.
    2,305 children in King City attend Primary School
    1,349 young people in King City attend Secondary School.
    381 people are enrolled in college in King City.
    1,327 people have a High School diploma (or equivalent).
    1,390 people have attended some college (without a degree).
    291 people in King City have an Associates Degree.
    502 people in King City have a Bachelors Degree.
    256 people in King City have a Graduate Degree.

    King City Statistical Data
    King City, California Total Area covers 533.43 Square Miles.
    Total Water Area is 3.75 Square Miles.
    Total Land Area is 529.67 Square Miles.
    In King City, CA. pop. density is 27.31 persons/square mile.
    King City, California is located in the Pacific (GMT -8) Time Zone.
    The elevation in King City is 53 Ft.

    Economic Data for King City, CA.

    Family Income Data for King City:
    Income per household breakdown is as follows:
    Earning under $10,000 annually: 310
    Earning $10,000.00 to $14,999 annually: 378
    Earning $15,000 to $24,999 annually: 531
    Earning $25,000 to $34,999 annually: 502
    Earning $35,000 to $49,999 annually: 625
    Earning $50,000 to $74,999 annually: 693
    Earning $75,000 to $99,999 annually: 399
    Earning $100,000 to $149,999 annually: 297
    Earning $150,000 to $199,999 annually: 36
    Earning $200,000 or more annually: 66
    $39,672.00 is the Median Annual Income per family in King City.

    Employment Data:
    6,473 are employed in King City, California.
    851 are unemployed in King City.
    Of those that currently employed in King City:
    4,010 Males are currently employed in King City.
    2,463 Females are currently employed in King City, CA.

Parent Testimonials Video

Frequently one of the number one considerations of a person in King City, California with a drug addiction or alcoholism problem seeking treatment at a drug and alcohol treatment center for help with their addiction is location. The first thought that comes to mind for most individuals is a drug treatment and alcohol rehabilitation facility nearby to home, typically either in King City, CA. or a couple hours drive from there. While this may take into consideration convenience, it does not necessarily mean that it is the most ideal treatment option for you or a loved one with an addiction to alcohol or drugs. drug treatment and alcohol rehab centers close to King City, CA. can make it far too tempting to stay in contact with drug abusing influences and other familiar circumstances that can trigger a drug or alcohol relapse. Also, it makes it very simple to suddenly leave the drug and alcohol treatment center when things can seem difficult in the initial phase of the recovery process, it can and commonly does get a little rough, this is normal until eventually the individual adapts to a daily regimen without the use of a drug or alcohol. If you are in King City, California near the friends and locations that you used drugs or alcohol with, when you may be feeling down or depressed you know exactly who you can call that will come and pick you up and take you out for a drink or a fix. When you or someone you care about goes to a drug and alcohol treatment facility that is further away from home, the familiar triggers for an alcohol or drug relapse are not there. Minimizing relapse triggers is a very important component to the recovery of drug addiction and alcoholism.

Attending a drug and alcohol rehabilitation facility will provide a safe setting normally involving 24 hour supervision and quality treatment so you can begin the healing process of recovery from drug and alcohol addiction. Tapering off drug or alcohol use can help somewhat to reduce withdrawal symptoms, but for many people, particularly those that use highly addictive drugs for an extended period of time, it simply may not be possible to do that. The drug addiction or alcoholism may have progressed too far and the impulse to use a drug or alcohol has become too powerful. In such situations, a drug or alcohol detox center is the safest route to getting through the withdrawal process. Most drug treatment and alcohol rehabilitation centers offer a medical detox regimen to minimize withdrawal symptoms that are brought on by the abrupt discontinuation of drug or alcohol use so that the often unpleasant withdrawal process can be made more pleasant for the individual. Stopping the use of addictive drugs and alcohol using the cold turkey method is not recommended mainly because it can occasionally cause life-threatening withdrawal symptoms, such as seizures.

Why should you go to a drug treatment and alcohol rehabilitation facility? If you have attempted many times and you have not been able to quit by yourself and go back to a standard drug-free life, it is likely that you need to have the qualified help that you can obtain at a drug and alcohol rehab center. If you haven't quit on your own by now, it's most likely you won't. Alcoholism and drug addiction is not as straightforward in many cases as just stopping - you have possibly paused drug or alcohol use for minutes, hours and days just to merely go right back to the same old habits. A drug and alcohol rehab program is not just about getting clean and sober. A more important aspect of a drug treatment and alcohol rehabilitation program is to educate you how to remain clean and sober and how to attain a happy successful life.

If you or someone you care about in King City, California is considering enrollment into a drug treatment and alcohol rehabilitation facility it is likely that it is necessary. Most individuals in King City, California with an alcoholism or drug addiction issue, whether they say that they need the help of a drug and alcohol rehab facility or not, they understand that they are in serious trouble and need help but they are just frightened of not being able to solve their problems the only way they know how, with drugs and alcohol. When an individual cannot stop drugs or alcohol even when they have made promises to themselves and loved ones that they will stop however they continue to use drugs or alcohol despite the broken promises and negative consequences, it is time to find the proper drug treatment and alcohol rehabilitation program for that individual so that they will one day be able to keep their promise. Some of the signs and symptoms of drug addiction or alcoholism include poor school or employment attendance and performance, unhealthy hygiene and appearance, significant weight loss or gain, unusual sleeping habits, shying away from close friends, neglecting responsibilities, money problems, anger and hostility toward family, withdrawal symptoms when the drug or alcohol is not obtainable, cravings and the desire to acquire the drug or alcohol at any cost including but not limited to lying and stealing to get it. If any of these addiction signs or symptoms are present in yourself or a loved one, it is very probable that you have an addiction problem and would benefit significantly from the professional services of a drug and alcohol treatment program to recover from it.

If you or someone you care about in King City, California have a drug or alcohol addiction issue and require the advice of a Registered Addiction Specialist (RAS) to decide on what you should do, dial our toll free number 1-877-565-0123. All counseling services are free of charge and absolutely confidential.

If you do not feel that you need to have the assistance of a Registered Addiction Specialist, for your convenience we have supplied a list in King City, CA. of Local and Nearby drug and alcohol treatment facilities.

Here are the local and nearby listings for King City, California:
  • Monterey County Behavioral Health
    Monterey County Behavioral Health is an alcohol and drug rehabilitation program that is located at 200 Broadway Street King City, CA. 93930.
    Monterey County Behavioral Health can be contacted by calling 831-386-6868.
    Treatment Services: Spanish Speaking Clients
    Payment Options: Payment Assistance
  • Valley Health Associates (48.7 miles from King City, California)
    Valley Health Associates is a drug and alcohol rehab center that is located at 338 Monterey Street Salinas, CA. 93901.
    Valley Health Associates can be contacted by calling 831-424-6655.
    Treatment Services: Drug and Alcohol Rehab Programs, Detox
    Payment Options: Self Payment
  • Sun Street Centers (48.7 miles from King City)
    Sun Street Centers is an alcohol and drug rehab center that is located at 8 Sun Street Salinas, CA. 93901.
    Sun Street Centers can be contacted by calling 831-753-5145 x234.
    Treatment Services: Drug and Alcohol Rehab Programs, Detox, Inpatient Drug Rehab, Males, Spanish Speaking Clients
    Payment Options: Private Pay Insurance, Military Insurance, Self Payment
  • Chamberlains Children Center (48.7 miles from King City)
    Chamberlains Children Center is a drug and alcohol rehabilitation facility that is located at 1850 San Benito Street Hollister, CA. 95023.
    Chamberlains Children Center can be contacted by calling 831-636-2121.
    Treatment Services: Lesbian and Gay Services
    Payment Options:
  • Natividad Medical Center (48.9 miles from King City)
    Natividad Medical Center is an alcohol and drug rehab program that is located at 1441 Constitution Boulevard Salinas, CA. 93906.
    Natividad Medical Center can be contacted by calling 831-755-6367.
    Treatment Services: Spanish Speaking Clients
    Payment Options: Private Pay Insurance, Military Insurance, Self Payment

Additional Articles About Drug Addiction and Treatment in King City, California

  • Addiction doesn't have to be something which people will struggle with their entire lives. If addicted people in King City acquire the appropriate level of care and treatment, any type of addiction can be rehabilitated. The fundamentals of drug and alcohol rehabilitation centers in King City are all primarily based on the understanding that drug or alcohol addiction is not just a physical issue, but an issue with much more prevalent and distinguished social, emotional and psychological aspects that must be addressed....

  • Men and women in the gay community are just as affected by drug and alcohol addiction as any other individual who suffers with this problem. Lesbian drug and alcohol rehabilitation centers in King City do exist which tailor to the particular needs of lesbians who need addiction treatment. While a lesbian drug rehabilitation center may not have a set curriculum specifically for gay individuals, there is an increased awareness among clients and staff of the distinctive problems that lesbians face when it comes not only to their struggle with addiction but with the daily stresses and experiences that gay women are faced with....

  • People who get caught up in drug or alcohol addiction usually find themselves with absolutely nothing in the end. All monies and things of worth in their lives have been sacrificed to their addiction, and once they do decide to accept help it can be difficult to cover the costs of a drug or alcohol rehab center in King City. Most drug or alcohol addicted individuals are not able to keep a job for any given length of time, and consequently have no health insurance. This makes the financial burden of rehab even greater....

  • Becoming fully rehabilitated from addiction takes commitment. Not just for the treatment counselors, but on the part of the addicted people themselves. Taking part in treatment at a drug or alcohol treatment facility in King City is no luxury vacation. There is a lot of work and soul searching to be done if the individual is to obtain a lasting recovery. Drug Treatment programs in King City often run on a very tight and predictable schedule, which maintains a controlled and stable atmosphere which is conducive to treatment....

  • Individuals who are addicted to drugs or alcohol can live in complete denial. Without outside influence, it is all too easy to continue abuse of drugs or alcohol and bring about more and more damage in the process. Drug addiction and alcoholism not only harms one's self, but affects so many other people involved. This is typically not considered by the addict when they are immersed in addiction, which is why an intervention can be such an effective tool....

  • Facts
  • In Orange County, California, teen drug abuse of the primary illegal drugs is either on par or higher than national trends.
  • According to a 2008 California Student Survey (CSS) that was sponsored by the Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs, in relation to the abuse and addiction of drugs among 7th, 9th, and 11th graders in the state, approximately 4% of the 9th grade students reported abusing meth.
  • The most commonly abused prescription and over-the-counter products in Orange County, California are cough and cold medicines and prescription painkillers.
  • NA meetings in King City:
  • Grace Lutheran Church (NA Meeting)
    205 Canal Street
    King City 93930

    Wednesday - 8:00 PM
  • Al-Anon support groups meetings in King City:
  • Tuesday Evening (Al-Anon Meeting)
    205 Canal St (back Door Upstairs)
    King City, California

    Tuesday - 5:30 PM