  • Redwood Estates, California Census Data
  • The total number of people in Redwood Estates is 0. Of those, are Male () and are Female ().

    In Redwood Estates, California is the median age.

    Redwood Estates, California population is broken down (as a percentage) by age as follows:

    Under Age of 5:
    Ages 5 to 9:
    Ages 10 to 14:
    Ages 15 to 19:
    Ages 20 to 24:
    Ages 25 to 34:
    Ages 35 to 44:
    Ages 45 to 54:
    Ages 55 to 59:
    Ages 60 to 64:
    Ages 65 to 74:
    Ages 75 to 84:
    Over the age of 85:

    Analysis of Education/Enrollment in Redwood Estates, California:
    A total of people over the age of three are enrolled in school in Redwood Estates.
    Of the total enrolled in Redwood Estates:
    children in Redwood Estates are enrolled in Nursery School.
    children are attending Kindergarten in Redwood Estates.
    children in Redwood Estates attend Primary School
    young people in Redwood Estates attend Secondary School.
    people are enrolled in college in Redwood Estates.
    people have a High School diploma (or equivalent).
    people have attended some college (without a degree).
    people in Redwood Estates have an Associates Degree.
    people in Redwood Estates have a Bachelors Degree.
    people in Redwood Estates have a Graduate Degree.

    Redwood Estates Statistical Data
    Redwood Estates, California Total Area covers Square Miles.
    Total Water Area is Square Miles.
    Total Land Area is Square Miles.
    In Redwood Estates, CA. pop. density is persons/square mile.
    Redwood Estates, California is located in the Time Zone.
    The elevation in Redwood Estates is Ft.

    Economic Data for Redwood Estates, CA.

    Family Income Data for Redwood Estates:
    Income per household breakdown is as follows:
    Earning under $10,000 annually:
    Earning $10,000.00 to $14,999 annually:
    Earning $15,000 to $24,999 annually:
    Earning $25,000 to $34,999 annually:
    Earning $35,000 to $49,999 annually:
    Earning $50,000 to $74,999 annually:
    Earning $75,000 to $99,999 annually:
    Earning $100,000 to $149,999 annually:
    Earning $150,000 to $199,999 annually:
    Earning $200,000 or more annually:
    is the Median Annual Income per family in Redwood Estates.

    Employment Data:
    are employed in Redwood Estates, California.
    are unemployed in Redwood Estates.
    Of those that currently employed in Redwood Estates:
    Males are currently employed in Redwood Estates.
    Females are currently employed in Redwood Estates, CA.

Parent Testimonials Video

Drug addiction and alcoholism is damaging to the life of any individual in Redwood Estates and their loved ones. The very first step in overcoming an alcohol or drug addiction is realizing that there is a problem and that qualified support is necessary to solve it. Redwood Estates, CA. drug and alcohol rehab facilities are designed to provide qualified help so that the process of recovery can begin. As tough as it may be to step forward and seek out treatment it is a lot more difficult to continue on the downward spiral of addiction.

When you are thinking about whether you or someone close to you in Redwood Estates, CA. really should receive treatment help for a drug or alcohol abuse problem, one of the first things that may come up is the expense of a drug rehab and alcohol treatment center. The price component can be a huge concern for a lot of individuals and lead to the thought "I will just do this through my own willpower and not have to shell out any money." Unfortunately, drug and alcohol addiction are extremely complicated issues that are characterized by extreme cravings and compulsions to obtain and use drugs, it is not simply a subject of possessing willpower. There are issues that will need to be repaired on a physical and emotional level. Professional treatment provided to you in a drug treatment and alcohol rehabilitation facility will get you sober and teach you how to stay that way.

The truth is, for the most part most people in Redwood Estates, California fully grasp the consequences of what it might cost them if they do not go into a drug and alcohol rehabilitation program. The price of the consequences drug addiction and alcoholism is immeasurable to dollars and cents. Family relationships can be destroyed. Sober friends and associates can be devastated. Work and other career opportunities are lost. Health issues can crop up into considerable medical expenses not to mention the legal issues that often arise in most drug and alcohol addiction cases. In reality the cost of a drug and alcohol rehab center is modest.

There are various financial options for a drug treatment and alcohol rehab facility, more important is to select the proper treatment plan for you or your loved one in Redwood Estates, CA. that will work within your financial means.

Modalities of treatment will vary depending on which drug and alcohol rehab center you decide on and what type of addiction treatment method the facility provides. Most drug treatment and alcohol rehab centers can and will incorporate a number of addiction treatment options: inpatient rehab, day-treatment, outpatient rehab, holistic rehab, and drug and alcohol detoxification.

Redwood Estates drug rehab and alcohol rehabilitation facilities typically commence the treatment program with drug and/or alcohol detoxification. Drug or alcohol withdrawal symptoms might range from anxiety, depression, inability to sleep, joint pains, muscle aches, convulsions or seizures and additional withdrawal symptoms depending on the severity of the addiction and the type of drug or substance that the individual has been dependent upon and duration of addiction. This is why it is critical that the detoxification is medically managed by a state-licensed drug treatment and alcohol rehabilitation facility or hospital. Detoxification is accomplished as a result of a variety of treatment techniques to decrease the physical dependence of drugs or alcohol which can take from 3 to 10 days.

If you or your loved one in Redwood Estates, California has a destructive alcohol or drug addiction problem, an inpatient drug and alcohol rehabilitation facility would be the most effective choice usually. Severe alcohol or drug addiction usually brings about the following behaviors: lying, stealing, withdrawal from friends and family, difficulties at work or no employment at all, mood swings etc. These irrational behaviors are generally present in the case of a severe drug addiction or alcoholism issue. When there is a severe addiction present it can incredibly difficult if not impossible to quit without having the support and assistance from a professional inpatient drug and alcohol rehab centers.

Outpatient drug and alcohol treatment programs are readily available for men and women with moderate drug or alcohol abuse issues. An outpatient drug and alcohol treatment program is a suitable choice for those individuals who have just begun abusing drugs or alcohol and they have not yet aquired a dependence upon the substance however their alcohol or drug use is turning into a dilemma that they do need help with before it does get out of control. Outpatient drug treatment and alcohol rehab programs have very limited supervision as opposed to an inpatient or residential program, which is typically 24-hours a day. It is essential that drug testing is available in an outpatient program as a deterrent to the person using drugs or alcohol while receiving outpatient drug or alcohol treatment.

When you have decided that a drug treatment and alcohol rehab facility is needed for you or someone you care about in Redwood Estates, the next decision is where? There are numerous drug and alcohol rehabilitation programs throughout the country with numerous different treatment options. Choosing the proper drug and alcohol treatment program for you or your loved one requires first knowing what is offered. If you have made the determination that you require help but are confused about what you need or where to go, dial our toll free number and a Registered Addiction Specialist will help you find what you are looking for.

If you are ready to get treatment help for yourself or someone you care about in Redwood Estates, CA. and do not need the assistance of a Counselor, we have provided the list below in Redwood Estates of Local and/or Nearby drug rehab and alcohol treatment centers.

Here are the local and nearby listings for Redwood Estates, California:
  • Good Samaritan Hospital at (6.3 miles from Redwood Estates, CA.)
    Good Samaritan Hospital at is an alcohol and drug treatment center that is located at 15891 Los Gatos Almaden Road Los Gatos, CA. 95032.
    Good Samaritan Hospital at can be contacted by calling 408-358-5604.
    Treatment Services:
    Payment Options: Private Pay Insurance, Military Insurance, Self Payment
  • Summit Estate Recovery Center (7.4 miles from Redwood Estates, California)
    Summit Estate Recovery Center is an alcohol and drug treatment program that is located at 20640 3rd Street Saratoga, CA. 95070.
    Summit Estate Recovery Center can be contacted by calling 800-701-6997.
    Treatment Services: Drug and Alcohol Rehab Programs
    Payment Options: Private Pay Insurance, Self Payment
  • Positive Progression Inc (8.4 miles from Redwood Estates, CA.)
    Positive Progression Inc is a drug and alcohol treatment center that is located at 1721 Lollie Court San Jose, CA. 95124.
    Positive Progression Inc can be contacted by calling 888-333-3963.
    Treatment Services: Drug and Alcohol Rehab Programs, Detox, Residential Short-Term Treatment, Inpatient Drug Rehab, Lesbian and Gay Services, Females, Males, Spanish Speaking Clients
    Payment Options: Private Pay Insurance, Military Insurance, Self Payment
  • Lionrock Recovery (9.4 miles from Redwood Estates, California)
    Lionrock Recovery is a drug and alcohol rehab facility that is located at 621 East Campbell Avenue Campbell, CA. 95008.
    Lionrock Recovery can be contacted by calling 800-258-6650.
    Treatment Services: Drug and Alcohol Rehab Programs, Females, Males
    Payment Options: Private Pay Insurance, Self Payment
  • Camp Recovery Center (9.7 miles from Redwood Estates, California)
    Camp Recovery Center is an alcohol and drug rehab facility that is located at 256 East Hamilton Avenue Campbell, CA. 95008.
    Camp Recovery Center can be contacted by calling 408-688-8065.
    Treatment Services: Drug and Alcohol Rehab Programs
    Payment Options: Private Pay Insurance, Self Payment

Additional Articles About Drug Addiction and Treatment in Redwood Estates, California

  • Men and women in the gay community are just as affected by alcohol and drug addiction as any other person who struggles with addiction. Lesbian drug and alcohol rehabilitation centers in Redwood Estates do exist which cater to the specific needs of lesbians who need addiction treatment. While a lesbian drug rehabilitation facility might not have a set curriculum specifically for gay people, there is an increased awareness among clients and staff of the unique problems that lesbians face when it comes not only to their struggle with addiction but with the everyday stresses and experiences that gay women are faced with....

  • When a person is addicted to drugs or alcohol, they and their loved ones want them to get the most helpful treatment offered. After all, it is tough enough to acknowledge that there is a problem and seek treatment. And then to have the treatment fail and not fully address the addiction only leads to even worse problems and relapse....

  • Detoxification is the first step in the drug rehabilitation process in Redwood Estates, and must be effectively completed before a particular person can move forward with all of the other parts of treatment. The detox process may take place in a wide variety of settings, depending on how complex or medically compromised an addict's health and substance abuse issues are. Some detoxes are best handled in a hospital environment where the individual can be looked after and cared for, due to particular risks involved which can be quite extreme. Most detoxes however can be accomplished in-house at a good quality drug treatment program in Redwood Estates....

  • When a person who is addicted to drugs or alcohol wants help, it's important that they get the most effective help possible at a quality drug treatment facility in Redwood Estates. Drug rehabilitation centers in Redwood Estates utilize effective tools and treatment techniques to handle addiction. People who are struggling with addiction problems no longer have to feel helpless or fail at quitting on their own, because Redwood Estates drug and alcohol rehabilitation programs provide all of the resources and care to help them recover....

  • There are several different options in Redwood Estates for people in need of drug rehabilitation. An outpatient drug rehab facility in Redwood Estates is one of these options, which is conducted on a basis whereby theindividual is free to come and go from the facility while receiving treatment. There are drug-free outpatient rehab facilities, maintenance programs for opiate addiction (methadone, etc.), and outpatient treatment facilities which provide group therapy....

  • Facts
  • During 2008 in the state of California, over 200,000 people had their licenses suspended as a result of a drunk driving arrest.
  • For the past 13 years, there has been a sharp increase in the number of substance abuse treatment admissions for methamphetamine abuse in California.
  • According to the California Vehicle Code, it is against the law for any individual that is under the influence of alcohol or any other type of drug to drive a vehicle, according to Section 23152 VC.