A drug addict is someone who feels an undeniable urge to use a particular drug regardless of any negative effects it may bring. The signs or symptoms of drug addiction differ depending on the drug(s) one is addicted to. People who have an addiction to narcotics and opiates may often display a similar set of symptoms, which will obviously be different from those exhibited by individuals addicted to antidepressants such as alcohol.
Most common symptoms of drug addiction
The symptoms of drug addiction are different since each drug is different. However, the following are the signs and symptoms commonly associated with most drug addictions:
Mood swings
Drug addiction can cause a wide variety of emotions in a person. One can get feelings of excitement or euphoria while 'high' on the drug, but then 'sink' to the lowest state of depression in between the doses. Mood swings have a huge impact not only on the individual but also to people closest to them.
Most drug addicts are consistently nervous or feel restless. In between their doses, they will find it hard to sit still. And in cases of cocaine or stimulant addiction, their effects may lead to nervous behavior.
Drug abuse or addiction isn't a healthy lifestyle. It causes various aspects of one's physical health to suffer. And apart from the fact that drug addiction puts a strain on the kidneys, heart, liver, and other crucial internal organs, drug overdose is a very real concern that can make someone get hospitalized for a very long period of time.
People who have drug addiction often find it difficult to get sleep at night. They can experience insomnia or may find it extremely hard to wake up the next morning.
New peer groups
Many people with drug addiction will give up on their old friends as well as cherished relationships, all because of new peer groups that are more tolerant to drug use.
Criminal activity
A majority of drug addicts often find themselves in the wrong side of the law. Aside from engaging in the use of illegal drugs, many will be involved in criminal activities while under the influence, for example theft or robbery to support the habit, driving while intoxicated, drug dealing, and so on.
Premature death
While premature death is technically not a drug addiction symptom, it all too often leads to it. Many of those affected by drug addiction see their health rapidly get worse, or experience a drug overdose.
Drug-specific signs and symptoms of addiction
Below are signs or symptoms of drug addiction that are exclusive to each drug.
Cannabis compounds
These compounds are present in marijuana as well as hashish. Drug addiction symptoms of the substances include a heightened sense of taste, vision, and hearing perception. Others include memory loss, blood-shot eyes, increased appetite, paranoid thinking, and slowed reflexes. An addict may also experience physiological changes like rapid heart rate and increased blood pressure. Other signs include difficulty concentrating and decreased coordination.
Central nervous system (CNS) depressants
Examples of depressants for the central nervous system include benzodiazepines and barbiturates. Examples of barbiturates include Phenobarbital, secorbarbital/seconal, and amorbarbital/amytal. Benzodiazepines include tranquilizers like diazepam/valium, oxazepam/serax, alprazolam/xanax, lorazepam/ativan, chordiazepoxide/Librium, and clonazepam/klonopin. Individuals addicted to these drugs normally experience severe drowsiness, slurred speech along with lack of coordination, memory loss, confusion, dizziness, and depression. Other symptoms include slow breathing, and decreased blood pressure.
Stimulants of the central nervous system
Drugs that belong to this class include amphetamines, cocaine, methamphetamine, and methylphenidate/Ritalin. Symptoms of addiction to these drugs include restlessness, lack of interest in food, irritability, and inability to fall asleep. One may seem ecstatic without any reason but may soon become depressed when the effect of the drug wears off. The addict will also experience weight loss, increased blood pressure, heart rate, and temperature. In addition, a person may experience nasal congestion caused by a damaged mucous membrane as a result of snorting drugs. The addict will also suffer from paranoia as well.
Designer drugs
Synthetic drugs like Ecstasy work in a similar manner to amphetamines in that they produce hallucinations. Their signs and symptoms vary, depending on the drug used. Drugs like LSD, ketamine (special K), and phencyclidine (PCP) produce hallucinations. Ecstasy causes mild hallucinations and euphoria. It also leads to overheating, liver and kidney toxicity, increased heart rate, high blood pressure, and memory problems.
Symptoms of LSD intake include hallucinations, flashbacks to hallucinations several years later, severely impaired sense of perception, tremors, high blood pressure, permanent changes in mental perception, and rapid heart rate.
PCP use has symptoms such as depression, hallucinations, euphoria, delusions, loss of appetite, panic, and aggressive, even violent behavior. Ketamine can cause signs and symptoms such as loss of memory, nausea and vomiting, increased heart rate, numbness, and impaired motor functioning.
Signs and symptoms one experiences vary according to the inhaled substance. Some common inhalants include glue, gasoline, paint thinners, cleaning fluids, correction fluid, and domestic aerosol products. These can produce an effect of brief intoxication as well as lowered inhibitions. When used for a prolonged period of time, a person may experience brain damage, seizures, and kidney or liver damage. Use of inhalants may also cause death.
Opioids are painkilling, narcotic drugs naturally made from opium or synthetically produced. Examples of drugs in this class include heroin, codeine, morphine, oxycodone/oxycontin, and methadone. Symptoms of addiction to opioids include reduced sense of pain, sedation, confusion, slow breathing, and depression. Needle marks may also appear on the addict.
Signs of drug addiction in teenagers can include skipping of classes and a drastic drop in performance at school. Some drugs can cause symptoms such as listlessness, apathy, drastic changes in behavior and in relationships with both family and friends, spending so much time alone, being extremely secretive, and loss of interest in appearance. Incidences of items or money disappearing from home, as well as a teenager asking for money for no good reason can typically indicate a problem of drug addiction.
In conclusion, drugs generally have such a hold on the individual taking them. Therefore, one needs some kind of persuasion and intervention in order to start on the path to rehabilitation and recovery. While quitting drugs is difficult, it's certainly not impossible. Getting adequate support from your loved ones along with making use of good treatment facilities will help a great deal in the process of recovery.